Cigna is committed to providing our business partners with timely information and insight. Each of the podcasts below deliver valuable information and consultative guidance in a brief and concise format.
Health Care Reform - Things to Know for 2017
Tune in to hear the latest on what the new Administration and Congress could mean to the future of health care, and a refresher on current Affordable Care Act requirements you should still be thinking about in 2017. - Play to listen now or download to listen later. (7:13, 12/05/16)
Health Care Reform - Nondiscrimination
Hear expert insights on Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act, also known as the "Nondiscrimination" rule. - Play to listen now or download to listen later. (8:04, 12/05/16)
Health Care Reform - Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Parity
This brief podcast provides an overview of the key Mental Health and Substance Use Disorder Parity requirements and what you need to know to stay compliant. - Play to listen now or download to listen later. (6:18, 11/07/16)
Cigna Specialty Pharmacy
Thom Stambaugh, VP of the Cigna Specialty Pharmacy Business, discusses the value Cigna can deliver as a fully integrated Pharmacy Benefit Manager by effectively managing specialty pharmacy across medical and pharmacy benefits.
- Play to listen now or download to listen later. (9:37, 8/18/16)
Cigna Dental PPO Online Tools
A review of the innovative enhancements to the Dental PPO tools and what this new user experience can mean for brokers and employers.
- Play to listen now or download to listen later. (7:59, 6/17/16)
Health Care Reform - Wellness
Discussion on the multitude of regulations that impact wellness programs and incentives.
- Play to listen now or download to listen later. (14:46, 6/8/16)